Green Olives Private School Excursion

We have always encouraged learning for different groups of students from primary to the tertiary levels, particularly those who have shown interest in Insurance, our area of expertise we have Offered opportunities to schools to come around and not only see our facilities but also given talks to students on various subjects, which can help to propel them to studies at the tertiary level. Some of our many professionals in the company have helped to stir up interest in various subjects such as insurance and the need for it and other areas.

Students of the Green Olives Private school visited in June 2023 to learn about investment. Though young and impressionable, it is believed that children should be exposed to important things that can help shape their lives and prepare them for the future. Our professionals in the Investment department helped to break down the meaning of investment using plenty of examples, so the young children will have an understanding. At the end of the session, the students as well as their teachers went away with better understanding from the talk.